Philosophy Discussions

May - July 2020

A lockdown series of zooms

to connect with others & talk about the big questions in life…


Week 10 (7PM Monday 20/07/20)

What is the point of philosophy?

Week 9 (7PM Monday 13/07/20)


Week 8 (7PM Monday 06/07/20)


Week 7 (7PM Monday 15/06/20)


Week 6 (7PM Monday 08/06/20)


Week 5 (7PM Monday 01/06/20)


Week 4 (7PM *Tuesday* 26/05/20


Week 3 (7PM 18/05/20)


Here is a little video introducing this debate (optional watching of course! no preparation is necessary for these groups)

Week 2 (6PM 11/05/20)

Something to make you laugh?


Week 1 (6PM 04/05/20)

Jumping in the deep end...


Ideas & Resources from previous groups

More info…


Group structure:

The structure is minimal, to allow groups to be as free flowing as possible.

Check in : say your name & (optionally) something about how you’re feeling/what’s been on your mind/you’d like the group to know

Ground rules: some ground rules are always important, like ‘confidentiality’ and ‘respect’, but there will be the opportunity at this point for group members to add additional ground rules that would help make the group a safe and nice place to share their thoughts, opinions, and feelings. (scroll down if you want to read more about ground rules)

Discussion: Free flowing discussion with thought provoking philosophical conversation prompts when appropriate :-)

Check out : reflect on how you’re feeling and if anything in particular stood out from the group.

Group Content (examples)

What is the meaning of life? How do we know? Is it different for everyone? Does it change with time?

Why do people perceive the same thing differently? E.g. Why do people some people see ‘The Dress’ as white and gold, while others see it as black and blue? Is the colour that I call red the same as the colour you call red? How can we know?

What is ‘love’? Are there different kinds of love? Why are so many songs about love? Does love last forever? Can you hate someone if you love them too?

Thought Experiment: The Veil of Ignorance


A bit more about ‘ground rules’…


These are some commonly used ground rules, but you can always add more…

  • Confidentiality - what is said in the group stays in the group. The exception being if someone has given you a great idea and you want to pass it on - either anonymise it or get their permission.

  • Respect for other group members…

    • their time - when sharing, make sure you’re leaving enough time for others to speak

    • their opinions - you can disagree, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions

    • etc…

  • Self care -

    • only share what you feel comfortable sharing

    • feel free to take time out or leave the group if you’d rather not carry on with the discussion
